Come Explore

The Exquisite Culinary Experience

This culinary journey is an exquisite exploration of tastes, textures and aromas, guided by skilled hands, encompassing the true Pakistani Cuisine.
Indulge in culinary opulence with us.

A Symphony of Flavors

From Passion to Plate

The story of Chef's Table

Chef’s Table is a rendezvous between classic and contemporary Pakistani cuisine. The founders are life-long connoisseurs of food who have traveled the world experiencing the culinary delights that it has to offer. Over the years they have not found the blend of fine-dining with the pure Pakistani fare. So in 2019, they decided that they would consolidate their experience and knowledge and create a fine-dining experience for the Pakistani palate. Chef’s Table is that vision given shape. As a fashionable diner, you will enjoy this culinary journey which promises innovation and a vibrant experience.
A touch of passion in every dish

Dining Tales

Our Diner’s Experience

Contact Us

For Reservations Call

+92 303-2299444
+92 307-2299444

Reservation calls are accepted from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM


Open Time

Monday – Sunday 
6:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

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